Monday, November 20, 2006

Modern Literary Theory

Modern Literary Theory comes in so many different forms. When I viewed Dr. Kristi Siegel's website I found the information about different types of Literary Theory to be much more clear.

One type of literary theory that I found very interesting was Psychoanalytic Criticism. We have considered how authors use different voices and/or mindsets while writing in order to depict what the characters in the text are thinking/feeling/doing. I find it somewhat contradictory to suggest that we can tell what the author is feeling. Yes, maybe we can analyze what the text is making the reader feel. But to consider what an author is thinking takes away from their art I believe. Although this type of theory may be appropriate for certain types of texts, I feel that if we were to analyze novels, especially fiction, in this way that we would take away from the fact that literature is supposed to make us feel on many different levels and in many different ways.

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