Thursday, September 14, 2006

Awaken! Dearest Bride of John Keats

Awaken! Dearest Bride of John Keats

Unravised bride of quietness awake
For silence and slow time imprison you
Do express a flowery tale
Your haunts about thy shape need not worry you
Honestly, what men are gods?
What mad pursuit have they caused you struggle?
Your wild ecstasy is deserved without these feats.

Your unheard melodies are worth more than you’ll ever know
The pipe plays sacred music to a man of integrity’s soul
For a bold lover never, never misses the kiss that erupts the insides
With a volcano of bliss. Forever will a good man love and forever
will her soul be fair

Ah, happy, happy Bride! that needs to shed the mongrel that she
hath made her companion. As you bid the Spring Adieu take note of
the happy melodist that plays too much and becomes weary.

Forever piping songs that are only enjoyed by others and as his spirit
dies human passion breaths upon him. This leaves the heart high-
sorrowful and cloyed while his tongue becomes parched and his
head exhausted as he wakes up to realize that the life he is living is
not his own but a world unbeknown.

Happy love that is forever warm and to be enjoyed is within your soul and a message from above that will send you to your highest high and keep you away from your lowest low.

Why are you willing to sacrifice the best feeling that you will ever know? What altar do you want a man to put you upon? Look up within the skies and build your home. Where does your fairytale begin and where do the breadcrumbs lead? You can return to that dream and make it a reality despite the desolate art that he has created for you.

O horrid shape! You are truly Fair and True! Do not let marble men overwrought you with branches and trodden weed. Tease us into thought where other’s woe may be our lessons and not our doom. The beauty in the truth of what your heart is telling you is all ye need to know.

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