Monday, April 30, 2007

In regards to Blogging...

I find that through blogging an individual is able to express themselves and voice their opinion. However, I do feel that blogging could be done in a manner that displays more feedback and encourages more discussion between bloggers. Even for our class I know that it wasn't as easy as I would have hoped that it was for me to avidly blog. I wasn't as engaged in the blogs of everyone in my class. I did not feel like I was an essential part of the blogging world. Maybe that is why many users like it though? Because it is not as intimidating when comments are somewhat private and not displayed along with the blog? I'm not quite sure what need to be or even could be done but it seems like this format could be revamped and create a community where students are actively involved in discussing what they are doing now, what they did before, and what they have left to do. I still believe that blogging could be very effective in a middle school classroom and am excited to incorporate it into a unit and see what/how they were able to do with it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Virtual Worlds

When I think back to some of my first interactive computer programs I think of Instant messenger as being the first computer program that encouraged me to spend more than 1 hour at a time on the computer. Virtual Worlds creat an environment that keep people at their computers for hours on end! Although the virtual worlds that we are learning about are much more complex now it is very interesting for me to see that they were based on online chatting services. The site below mentioned MUSH wich is a very old program.Mush

Wiki Def.

An example of a virtual world:

Here's an interesting class project that uses virtual worlds:


Wikis seemed to have a format that was a little less acccessible and I was a bit overwhelmed by how many options there actually were for wiki instalationSo again, I looked for advice online and the "Wiki Matrix" seemed to have most of my questions answered in this question and answer section...

In this site's discussion I really enjoyed the format of the class discussion and having all of the posts that were in regards to this issue and how the viewer can see a large amount of information and how it is connected to the original question.

Other Sites that may help:


As I prepared to create my podcast I researched online to try and find advice on creating a podcast. However, what I found was many interesting sites that did not include advice on podcasts, but rather they were advice on specific topics. I thought that navigating through podcasts was a bit more difficult to find the specific material that I was researching. This made me question if avid Podcasters had considered making a navigation system through the process of podcasting and podcast "types" / categories. It seems as though podcasts are always connected to something. What if there was a directory for a specific type of podcast on a given subject?

One good piece of advice that I found from "Podcasting Advice from Spencer Critchley"was the below comment that I found useful...

Another skill podcasters can learn from radio is how to write for the ear rather than the eye, Critchley says. “There's a lot to unlearn about writing long, multi-clause, abstract sentences like we're taught in school,” he explains. “Instead, radio writers write short, active-voice sentences using concrete nouns, punchy verbs, and very few adjectives or adverbs.”

This is an interesting idea incorporating a lot of what we talked about in class...

Another tip that many sites had was to include video with your podcast. And this may be a very good idea for some types of podcasts...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tech Frustrations

So, as I'm finishing my final projects for ENGL 579 I have come across a few frustrations...

1. I'm having a problem with passwords. I've been forewarned about changing my passwords in order to make sure my accounts are all secure and to avoid people trying to break any codes. Therefore, I use several different passwords for several different accounts and recently, with the virtual worlds page especially, I have encountered frustrations with my password not being accessed and frantically trying to attempt my others. This frustration was due to my account not working properly. The numerous passwords that I currently have just made things a little more complicated. Just wanted to note that consolidating my amount of passwords may be a good idea...

2. I am trying to scan photos for my iMovie and transfering them onto the Mac computers has been a very difficult task. As soon as I figure this out I will let everyone know... However, if anyone is skilled in scanning photos and transfering them onto programs such as iMovie please let me know.

On a side note I find it very interesting to use old photos from my grandparents that are not accessible on CD's. Today we are so familiar with digital photography and automatically putting photos onto a CD and having them computer accessible. I have never used a scanner before, I've never had to, and I'm curious to see what the prices and availability of scanners will be in years to come...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

English and Technology

After listening to actual instructors speak about implementing the technology tools that we have become familiar with in their own classroom I find myself becoming very excited of the thought of being an educator that is skilled in the world of technology. Before taking English 1100 and English 5790 I was very stubborn about the use of technology and personally felt very discouraged to try to implement technology in a lower ed classroom.

Coming from a small, rural town, my middle school provided the bare minimum of technology and the one single brand new computer lab that was used by every single class within our school. Time was very limited and only the computer technician was familiar with what technology had to offer.

Now, I am inspired to not only implement, but to also make sure that technology is available for me to use. I am excited about teaching my students that the "mouse potato" world that they will have grown up in can make learning more entertaining. I am excited to show them that their interests, intellect, and hard work can be displayed and viewed with just the click of a button. Many young students are already more skilled in the world of technology as me. But through continued education and a lot of time spent with different programs I hope to become an educator of technology as well.

I hope to teach middle school students how to enrich literature and writing with technology. I want to experiment with different learning styles. I want to use technology to enrich my English/Language Arts classrooms.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Digital Stories and Family History

If I can get this digital story program working so that I am able to access it enough I am very excited to use this system for my final project. I have always been excited about the thought of incorporating family history, photos, and stories in the classroom and making actual productions out of these stories. After speaking with a friend about how fortunate we are to still have four grandparents with us I have been thinking more and more about this type of lesson in my future classroom. Not only because I believe that young students need to become more aware of their family's history but also because that this type of assignment could help the younger generations respect their elders and hopefully invest more time into the history of things. So many young students are lost in a world that they have the slightest idea about its depth, its people, and where we are now. With war affecting more and more people in a very direct mannor I find family history and stories to be so very important. I hope that through digital story telling I can give my best effort in this attempt.