Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Virtual Worlds

When I think back to some of my first interactive computer programs I think of Instant messenger as being the first computer program that encouraged me to spend more than 1 hour at a time on the computer. Virtual Worlds creat an environment that keep people at their computers for hours on end! Although the virtual worlds that we are learning about are much more complex now it is very interesting for me to see that they were based on online chatting services. The site below mentioned MUSH wich is a very old program.Mush

Wiki Def.

An example of a virtual world:

Here's an interesting class project that uses virtual worlds:

1 comment:

nendo said...

A virtual world seems like it could be a very useful tool in any learning environment, be it school or work; however, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the utilization of such communication tools that seem to lack physical human interaction, expression, and emotion, which, to me, are as important as the information that is diseminated.